Friday, 7 October 2011


Keywords are predefined reserved identifiers that have special meanings.They cannot be used as identifiers in your program.
Here are some of the C++ keywords and their uses.

array          =  Array is not part of the type
break         =  Stops the execution of the scope in which it is located.
bool           =  It can give only two things True or False
case          =  This is used in switch statements to specify certain cases.
char           =  Used to declare character variable or array (string).
class          =  This is used when we are declaring classes.
const          =  For declaring const variable,a variable which cannot be changed.
continue     =  This is used when we want something to skip and move next.
delete         =   It is used to delete dynamic memory which we have used.
default        =   This is used in switch, and every condition has default condition.
do               =  This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.
double         =   It is a type of variable and used to declare double variables.
else             =   It can be used when there is an if statement or multiple if statements.
false            =   It is used with bool keyword because bool returns only true or fasle.
finally          =  This is used in exception handling.
float             =  It is a type of variable used to declare float variables i.e. decimal numbers.
for               =  This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.
if                  =  It is used to check certain conditions.      
inline           =  When you are defining function outside the class but want to make it inline.
int                =  It is a type of variable used to declare int variables i.e. whole numbers.        
long             =  It is a type of variable used to declare long variables.
namespace  = Identifies and assigns a unique name to a userdeclared namespace.
new             = It is used in the declaration of dynamic memory.
return          = This is used in functions
sizeof          = It is a built in function which tells the size of any variable or array.        
struct          = It is used in structure declaration which are user define data type.        
static          = It retains value unless any mathematical operation applied on the variable.
switch        = It is a bundle of cases to use one at a time otherwise default will run.
template    = It's declaration specifies a set of parameterized classes or functions.
true            = It is used with bool keyword because bool returns only true or fasle         
typename   = Tells the compiler that an unknown identifier is a type.
unsigned    = Unsigned types can only represent positive values (and zero)
union         = A union is a user-defined data or class type.            
virtual        =  The virtual keyword declares a virtual function or a virtual base class.
void           = It means nothing and it is used to mention return type or argument.
while         = This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.


In C++ and other languages their are libraries which have extension ".h" and it is a collection of classes and functions.C++ Programming language has a vast library called the Standard Template Library(STL).Those libraries which are built in are called STL.We can also built are own libraries and we'll tell you later own that how to create your own libraries.C++ includes the C library as described by the 1990 ISO standard
Here are given some of the libraries to check out their use check and trace your own desired library.

C standard libraries

iostream                                      iostream.h            (input/output stream)
                                                   conio.h                (console input and output)
cstdio                                          stdio.h                 (standard input/output header)
cstdlib                                         stdlib.h                 (functions involving memory allocation)
cmath                                          math.h                 (basic mathematical operations)
cstring                                         string.h                 (string related & memory handling                                                                                      functions)
windows                                     windows.h              (commands related to windows)
fstream                                        fstream.h              (to save data on the hard rive)
ctime                                           time.h                   (to get time of PC)
cctype                                         ctype.h                 (to convert from small to capital and                                                                                    vice versa)

Syntex  :                    # include<name.h>  

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Data Types

If you consider your daily life then just imagine that in daily life you have different type of data around you e.g. names , roll no. , cell no. , email id , percentage , GP etc.You have seen that their are different type of data we have to remember or we have to calculate.In every language their are certain data types on which we perform certain calculations or tasks and every data type has certain limitations and we cannot exceed it.

Certain data types are floating point , integer , char , Boolean.A chart is shown here which will show you the ranges of them according to their platform.

It is better for you to know about  Signed and Unsigned.Now two questions arises..??
  • What is Signed ?
  • What is Unsigned ?

 Signed is basically by default variables e.g. whenever we initialize a variable (int x) it is by default signed i.e. that it contain both positive numbers and negative numbers in its range/limit.In case of integer type range will be i.e. -32768 to 32767.

Unsigned is basically when we don’t need negative numbers in our scenario or condition and only want positive numbers then we use unsigned with our initialization e.g. ( unsigned int x ; ) and range of int when it is unsigned will be 65534  i.e. 2*32767..This keyword "unsigned" before the initialization of any data type.

Tip : If you'll use this type in your codes then it can prevent your code from distortion.Best example of unsigned is unsigned long and it can store 0 to 4 billion.

Historical Background Of C++

C++ is evolved from C, which is evolved from previous two languages. As you know everything is not perfect and it has some draws and limitations for those purpose new languages are evolved.

In 1963 the CPL (Combined Programming Language) appeared with the idea of being more specific for concrete programming tasks of that time than ALGOL or FORTRAN. Nevertheless this same specific feature made it a big language and therefore difficult to learn and implement.

In 1970 Ken Thompsons modeled many features in his language B after their counterparts in BCPL (Basic Common Programming Language) and used B to create early version of the UNIX operating systems at Bell laboratories.

In 1973, Dennis Ritchie has evolved C form early B at Bell Laboratories. C uses many important concepts of BCPL and B. C initially became widely known as the development language of the UNIX operating systems. Today most operating systems are written in C and/or C++.

C++, an extension of C, was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early
1980 at Bell Laboratories. C++ provides a number features that
“Spruce up” the c language, but more importantly, it provides capabilities for Object-oriented Programming. In 1985 the first commercial releases of the language appeared as well as the first edition of book.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Most of you are familiar with converters but if anyone of you is not familiar with them that.
  • What they are?
  • What is their importance?
Then this is the time to know them and their importance when they will solve your problems mostly.I'll tell you that how you can convert such difficult conversions so easily by using an Application.Now you are thinking that which sort of app is this then here is your answer.
Today we are introducing another awesome application of chrome which will convert your difficult conversion in seconds.I don't know why you are not familiar with it but it's Ok.We are here to introduce such things and upgrade you with technology.Google chrome is launching different sort of applications which are mind blowing , awesome and helpful for us.

Here is the link of that application install it on your Google Chrome browser and enjoy.


What are you waiting for ??
Download chrome now and start your new journey of  fastest and securest  browsing.

Note : If you want to Download Chrome then check this post.


As we have told you chrome is performing his best to enhance and upgrade it different browsers have their own extensions for everyone.It depends that which sort of interest you have and today we are going to tell you about one of its Extension which is related to Food.

If you are not using Google Chrome then use it from today because it is the best and fastest browsing software.They have launched an application with which you have access to get favorite Recipes from the WEB.

This application of chrome is basically for those who Love FOOD and want to eat something new.For those who want new and interesting recipes then they should try it and they will send you recipes too in mail but it depends that you have provided them your mail ID.

Here is the link of that application install it on your Google Chrome browser and enjoy.


What are you waiting for ??
Download chrome now and start your new journey of  fastest and securest  browsing.

Note : If you want to Download Chrome then check this post.