Keywords are predefined reserved identifiers that have special meanings.They cannot be used as identifiers in your program.
Here are some of the C++ keywords and their uses.
array = Array is not part of the type
break = Stops the execution of the scope in which it is located.
bool = It can give only two things True or False
case = This is used in switch statements to specify certain cases.
char = Used to declare character variable or array (string).
class = This is used when we are declaring classes.
const = For declaring const variable,a variable which cannot be changed.
continue = This is used when we want something to skip and move next.
delete = It is used to delete dynamic memory which we have used.
default = This is used in switch, and every condition has default condition.
do = This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.
double = It is a type of variable and used to declare double variables.
else = It can be used when there is an if statement or multiple if statements.
false = It is used with bool keyword because bool returns only true or fasle.
finally = This is used in exception handling.
float = It is a type of variable used to declare float variables i.e. decimal numbers.
for = This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.
if = It is used to check certain conditions.
inline = When you are defining function outside the class but want to make it inline.
int = It is a type of variable used to declare int variables i.e. whole numbers.
long = It is a type of variable used to declare long variables.
namespace = Identifies and assigns a unique name to a userdeclared namespace.
new = It is used in the declaration of dynamic memory.
return = This is used in functions
sizeof = It is a built in function which tells the size of any variable or array.
struct = It is used in structure declaration which are user define data type.
static = It retains value unless any mathematical operation applied on the variable.
switch = It is a bundle of cases to use one at a time otherwise default will run.
template = It's declaration specifies a set of parameterized classes or functions.
true = It is used with bool keyword because bool returns only true or fasle
typename = Tells the compiler that an unknown identifier is a type.
unsigned = Unsigned types can only represent positive values (and zero)
union = A union is a user-defined data or class type.
virtual = The virtual keyword declares a virtual function or a virtual base class.
void = It means nothing and it is used to mention return type or argument.
while = This is used to perform multiple tasks under a condition.It is a loop keyword.
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